
Introduction to mass communication

The Instagram bloggers each should have at least 10.000 followers and its preferable if they were from he GCC countries

Applied Communication Department

Course: Introduction to Mass Communication

Project Description

Based on the introduction to mass communication content we discussed in the class during the past several weeks, each one of you should be able to critically examine and evaluate mass media platforms.

In this exercise, you are expected to choose 5 famous instgramers and monitor their posts for a week. Those people can be Artist,Director, blogger, cooker, or a social media influencer who’s main target is to communicate to mass audiences,  you are expected to fill the coding sheet of the instgramers. Fill the chart, by filling up the questions.

How many followers this person have? How much does this person follows? How many posts he/she posts everyday? What is the post about, you need to know the usage of instagram among the various users, and if they post relevant information.

You need to prepare the below for your oral presentation:

1. Brief about your findings.

2. Describe the types of posts each person posts for a week.

3. Describe the number of #Hashtags they use.

4. Describe how their social media platform help them sell, and how do they communicate it to other users?

Your oral presentation is 5 minutes with another 2 minutes for questions and answers.

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Other Subject: Introduction to mass communication
Reference No:- TGS01431744

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