
Introduction to managing quality

Introdaction to Managing Quality:


Topic of Assignment:

Read the chapters in the E-book, and explain what you understand from every chapter by one bage:- You are allowed to make parenthetical references from other sources to support your ideas.

7-No of Pages

Number of pages: 3-4 pages. (EXCLUDING COVER PAGE)


A BIBLIOGRAPHY or REFERENCES is a list of resources you have used in your research. Please use APA style.

How to write a bibliography for books

• Author (surname first, followed by first name or initials)
• Year of publication
• Title of publication (underlined, or using Italics)
• Publishing company
• Place of publication (usually a town or city)
• Page (from Journals and Journal Articles)

Example APA Style:

Journal formats:

Abram, S., & Luther, J. (2004). Born with the chip: The next generation will profoundly impact both library service and the culture within the profession. Library Journal, 129(8), 34-37.

From an electronic source:

Belkin, N. J. (2003). Interface techniques for making searching for information more effective. Retrieved October 4, 2004 from


From a book:

Tapscott, D. (1997). Growing up digital: The rise of the net generation. New York: McGraw-Hill.

If you are using Microsoft Office Windows 7, in the word document, you get free Bibliography software and you can automatically generate a bibliography based on the source information that you provide for the document. Each time you create a new source, the source information is saved on your computer, so that you can find and use any source you have created.

Your REPORT must follow the outlines as listed in this paper.

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Other Management: Introduction to managing quality
Reference No:- TGS01435747

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