
Introduction to gerontology


Introduction to Gerontology

Research Paper (5 pages double-spaced)

This research paper is the final version of the paper topic that you selected in the Preliminary Research Proposal for this class (The elderly and Exercise). You should have at least three peer-reviewed articles on your selected topic of research. Your paper should include the following elements:

1) Statement of your research question/topic (i.e., what you wanted to inquire about through this research)

2) Summary of each paper's findings and conclusions.

3) Your own discussion of how each article informs and answers about your research topic

4) Your own discussion about what the information provided by articles as a whole implies for the lives of older adults and their families.

Note that peer-reviewed journal articles should present their original research findings, and should be recent publications (i.e., year 2000 or later unless it is a foundation article on the topic).

For this project, full credits will be given if you satisfy all of the following criteria:

  • Selection of peer-reviewed journal articles and other credible research sources that show great relevancy to your research topic.
  • Provide a clear and concise summary of each article (clearly discuss both findings and conclusions).
  • Thorough presentation of your own discussion based on selected articles and sources
  • Clear discussion about implications for older adults.
  • Utilize the correct research paper format and in-text citations in APA 6.0 format.
  • Provide a full list of references in correct APA 6.0 format.
  • Proofread the document and submit it with no spelling or grammatical errors.

The full scores will be divided into the following subcategories:

APA for citation

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Reference No:- TGS02951909

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