
Introduction to economics qb 1502 - discuss the nature of

Coursework Assignment:

Using the tools and techniques you have learnt in this module outline and discuss the nature of the relationship between employers and employees and evaluate employment factors in the economy that are important to firms in deciding the wages they will offer staff and for staff in deciding whether to work and the level of effort they might exert.

This report should demonstrate an understanding of economic analytical techniques and include discussion and analysis of:
- The nature of the relationship between owners and employees.
- The relationship between wages and worker effort.
- How changes in the macro economy such as changes in GDP and inflation might impact on the employment relationship.


1. This work should be written in report format, and should be 1500 word long within 15%.
2. NB The references and bibliography will not be included in the word count.
3. You do not need to submit a paper copy.
4. You electronic submission should include a signed copy of the cover sheet included with this remit.

This work will incorporate the opportunity for formative assessment, by giving students the opportunity to submit the introduction to their report for formative feedback prior to their completion and final submission of the report for summative assessment.

Assignment Structure - Guide

Executive Summary:
This is written at the end of the report but placed here and should try to capture the essence of the report in very few words no more than 300-400 max. NB The Executive summary will not count towards the word count.


In this section I am looking for clear indication of the purpose of the paper, this can start with a short statement that it has been compiled in order to meet the assessment requirements of module.

The introduction should then set out the Objectives of the report. The objectives will come directly from your analysis of the task (CW Task) you have been given. You need to explain briefly how you are going to achieve the objectives. This needs you to briefly set out a Methodology in which you link each objective to one or more of the Economics approaches that we have discussed in the module.

Analysis and Discussion:
In this section you start the process of setting out your analysis and discussion needed to meet the objectives you have set. You may have separate sections for each objective, or combine some if think that this is appropriate. This is the part of the report where you develop your analysis and explanation for each part of the task you have been given.

Key Findings:
This will be an opportunity to highlight what you thinks are the most important aspects of the report.

Conclusions & Recommendations:
These could be separate sections, I would expect to hear your own voice and your own interpretation of the relative values of different parts of the report, also some assessment of the extent to which you have been able to meet all the requirements of the task give. Where this is not possible or where you are not fully satisfied with your ability to answer the questions say how this shortfall might be met by future work or by the application of additional resources.

References & Bibliography:
Here is would expect properly referenced lists of all the sources you have used to directly support the compilation of your report/. So all direct quotes or links to sources should be included and referenced Harvard Style

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Dissertation: Introduction to economics qb 1502 - discuss the nature of
Reference No:- TGS02730089

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