
introduction to computer graphicsearly man

Introduction To Computer Graphics

Early man employed drawings to communicate even before he learnt to communicate, write or count. Incidentally, these earliest hieroglyphics or picture-writings communicate also today, as they should have done thousands of years ago, it saying that "A picture is worth a thousand words" and in the era of computers we can put in on to it or we may also revise the saying to "A computer is worth a million pictures!"; consequently, you can calculate approximately the power of a computer like a communication system.

At this time, with the advances in computer software and hardware, graphics has arrives a full circle and increasingly people are learning and teaching, communicating and sharing their concepts through the medium of graphics. Through graphics, we signify any drawing, sketch, special artwork or the other material that pictorially depict a process or an object or else conveys information, like a supplement to or in place of written descriptions and the utilization of computers to accomplish those tasks cause a new discipline of computer graphics. Usually, graphics has referred to engineering drawings of bridges, buildings, machine parts and so on and scientific drawings as x-y curves, network and procedure flowcharts. In nowadays decades, graphics has ventured in industrial design, advertising and other artistic endeavors. Throughout the last few years, still newspapers and periodicals intend at the normal man have begun to utilize graphics to show quantitative news as selection production and effects statistics. Computer graphics can perform all this and more. Actually, the power and simple availability of computer graphics have raised the utilization of pictures to replace and augment words to explain, educate or notify a broad variety of audiences on a broad variety of subjects.

In this section, we shall concentrate on the graphic abilities and potential of the digital computer as well as we will talk about the meaning of the term graphics and its kinds, in addition to that, we will also talk about the hardware utilized for practical application of graphics in various streams of life. The software section conversely, will be discussed in this course.


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