
Introduction to comprehensive assessment


Discussion- An Introduction to Comprehensive Assessment

After completing Readings and Resources, access the link below and watch the video.

An Introduction to Comprehensive Assessment

After you have watched the video, look at an assessment you are presently using in the curriculum content with which you have been working. The challenge for this discussion is to change that assessment and use one of the assessments mentioned in the video. Maybe it will be one you have never tried before. Role play? That is a stretch for many of us in assessment.

After you have tried one of the suggestions in this video that may have moved you out of your comfort zone, share with your colleagues the assessment, how you used it, and the curriculum area you chose.

  • How will you have to prepare for the new assessment?
  • Do you believe this assessment will be a valid measure of your students' learning?
  • How has this video motivated you to look at other assessments that you may not have tried before and as a principal, challenge your staff to do the same?

200 to 250 words.

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Other Subject: Introduction to comprehensive assessment
Reference No:- TGS02983064

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