
Introduction to comparative politics - ir203anbsp what kind

Part 1: Answer the following questions. Type your answer; 1-2 pages maximum for each question (60%)

1. Why is that some countries have a large number of parties in legislatures (for example European countries) whereas some have only two (for example the U.S.)? Explain using various theories discussed in class and in readings. Make sure to think of various factors that might affect the outcome.

2. Discuss various conditions under which people are likely to participate through unconventional methods (make sure to think of structural as well as individual level variables) employing examples from your case country or others mentioned in readings/class, or from the movie we watched.

3. While elections are the perennial symbols of democracies, as we have discussed in class, they also occur regularly under authoritarian regimes. Using Gandhi and Lust-Okar article, explain how (through what mechanisms) elections might strengthen authoritarian regimes instead of weakening them.

Part 2: Choose ONE of the following questions. Type your answer; 3-4 pages maximum (40%).

1. In "The Perils of Presidentialism" Juan J. Linz claims that parliamentary democracies perform better than presidential ones and that parliamentary regimes are more conducive to stable democracies than presidentialism. What are the problems that are associated with presidentialism? Are there any advantages? Do you agree or disagree with Linz's conclusions? Why or why not? Are there things that he is not considering? Discuss using Cheibub and Lijphart readings.

2. The municipal government of Rotterdam, Netherlands has concerns about the low levels of political participation among the second and third generation descendants of Turkish immigrants that live in the city of Rotterdam. You are required to make suggestions to the municipality as to the causes of this situation.

a. What kind of theories would you think of to explain this?

b. Which theoretical approaches in comparative politics do you think these theories reflect (think about the variables and the level of analysis you are emphasizing)?

c. How would you go about studying this comparatively?

3. Kartkaxistan is an ethnically and religiously diverse country that is going through a difficult transition following the ousting of its dictator. Different groups are geographically concentrated within parts of the country, and one of them makes up the majority of the population. While Kartkaxistan have had elections before, they worked as rubberstamps for the dictator, thus the population does not have any real experience of democracy and democratic elections. The country is also suffering from instability following the ousting of the dictator.

If you were in charge of designing an electoral system for this country, what would your considerations be, and what would you suggest and why? Discuss this considering the advantages and disadvantages of various electoral systems, using your readings. Specify the goals that you are trying to achieve with the electoral system. You can go as detailed as you want (for example, districting, party lists, divisor/quota systems, thresholds etc. are things you can consider).

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