
introduction to cobolin the year 1959 a new

Introduction to COBOL:

In the year 1959, a new language named the COBOL (COmmon Business Oriented Language) was introduced remembering the business purpose applications.

The board of directorate that is known as CODASYL (Conference on the DATA System Language) COBOL programming language committee established a COBOL maintenance committee to keep COBOL in step during times. The first COBOL compiler became exist in early 1962. The later version with some new additions was published in the year 1965. In August 1968 a standard version of the language was approved by the American National

Standard Institute (ANSI). This standard version was again modified in 1974 and is termed as ANSI-74 COBOL or COBOL -74. The revision process has been continuous and in the year 1985 a revised standard was introduced. This standard was termed as COBOL-85.


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COBOL Programming: introduction to cobolin the year 1959 a new
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