
Introduction to civil environmental engineering - field

Introduction: This field trip has the following aims:

- To develop effective observation and inspection skills.
- Identify different structural elements, their form, size, shape and geometry.
- Develop an appreciation of the inter-relationships between different structural elements comprising the completed structure.
- Develop students' ability to write concise field reports.

Site 1, 2 &3: Darling Harbour, Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Rocks

Using a camera or your mobile phone, you are required to identify the following structural components:
- Pier,
- Girder,
- Column,
- Elastomeric Bearing,
- Bracing,
- Diaphragm beam,
- Web Stiffener,
- Load Bearing Stiffener,
- Beams (at least 5 different items),
- Struts (at least 3 items),
- Tie beam,
- Pin Support,
- Riveted joint connection,
- Bolted joint connections,
- Abutment,
- Stanchion,
- Haunch joint,
- Guard rail

Site 4: Centennial Park

You are required to investigate the water cycle management initiatives utilised at Centennial Park. This activity can should be undertaken after the field trip.

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Dissertation: Introduction to civil environmental engineering - field
Reference No:- TGS02890275

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