Introduction to Business and Society:
For each Topic, you will need to begin your essays with a proper introduction (including a thesis statement). Draw on at least two of the readings (for each topic, and these readings are selected and uploaded), and pay specific attention to identifying and defining central concepts.
For EACH of the following topics, write 5 paragraphs in 2 pages [IMPORTANT].
1. (5 paragraphs in 2 pages)Using the concepts of legal, traditional and charismatic authority, examine how authority works in traditional and modern society.
Explore these types of authority might work in relations characterized by gemeinschaft and gesellschaft respectively. (The two readings related to this topic are uploaded) No outline is provided for topic 1.
2. (5 paragraphs in 2 pages) Does the division of labour lead to the wealth of nations or the misery of the working class? Compare and contrast Smith and Marx's view on this concept and how it increases the productivity of labour. Pay specific attention to what happens to the surplus and the social consequences of the division of labour in capitalist society. (The two readings related to this topic are uploaded)
For this Topic 2, please follow this outline:
Para 1. Intro-question
Smith=Wealth Marx=misery
Para 2. D of L (division of labor):
1. Surplus + specialization +exchange
2.Two classes (capitalism + working class), (markets)
Para 3. Capitalism:
1. Good, natural, routed in human nature
2. Not natural pg10 (relations of production), wage-labor and capital
Para 4. Social consequences:
1. Immiseration