Question 1: What do you mean by the term applet?
Question 2: Illustrate the difference between an applet and an application.
Question 3: Describe the steps included in running an applet.
Question 4: Why does applet class require to be declared as the public?
Question 5: Describe different phases in the life cycle of an applet.
Question 6: Differentiate between init( ) and start( ).
Question 7: Frames and applets can’t be used altogether in the similar program. Illustrate True/False.
Question 8: The CODE value in an
Question 9: Create an applet which receives three numeric values as input from the user and then displays the biggest of the three on screen.
Question 10: Create an applet which will display a filled rectangle changing to filled ovals, changing to a filled circle alternatively while moving across the screen.
Question 11: Create an applet by using multithreading to move applet window up and down constantly.