
Introduction to africana philoshpohy by lewis gordon

Today we see some illustrations of authors and filmmakers who talk about "re-writing knowledge" and using our "creativity" as a "weapon" toward a new way of being human. This is the main task of Black Studies as Human Studies.

Writea 5 page essay (double spaced) :

Using the given article, Introduction to Africana philoshpohy by Lewis Gordon. (YOu don't have to read all the article, just read what you feel would be best to your writing)

use in-text citations for this article-[example: (Gordon 130)], and a Work Cited page

The Color purple novel ( just read from wikippedia what the novel is about,not the story,and use the novel's idea and you idea to write) here is link


Sankofa Movie review (just google sankofa film review and use any source to get the film idea and connect it your writing). here is a helpful source


Bilal's stand movie review (just googleBilal's standfilm review and use any source to get the film idea and connect it your writing). here is a helpful source



Connect these works by a theme and write an essay that carries out that theme. Your essay should have a "thesis statement" that you maintain through your paper, using the articles to support your argument. You may include outside sources (and must cite every source that you use) but must include Introductioon to Africana Philosophy by LewisGordon (attached).

To make writing easier, explain any terms and definitions that you read from article or the other sources so that I am clear that you understand what you are arguing. Again cite your sources with page numbers every time you use ideas from someone else-not only when you are directly quoting.

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Humanities: Introduction to africana philoshpohy by lewis gordon
Reference No:- TGS0675808

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