
Introduction the tourism research literature



There may be a range of good answers to any question, but the best papers:

- answer the question actually asked, and stay focused on the question;

- demonstrate a good knowledge of the academic issues involved;

- link the theory to the question;

- present a reasoned argument, with pros and cons, all in the writer own words;

- support that argument with brief, properly referenced, quotations from texts, etc;

- link each step in the argument to form a seamless whole;

- are well-presented and reader-friendly; and

- are rich in content.


You may consider seeking assistance from the University's Academic Skills Centre.

Using academic references

You need to support your views with references to the tourism research literature, in particular recent (2000 - 2015) research articles on this topic; In particular, you need to read and refer to at least 3 tourism research journal articles in addition to academic books and other sources; Failing to refer to and cite 3 journal articles in your work will result in a fail for this assessment item; For assistance with finding and referencing journal articles, please see the UC Library research page.


With references in Harvard style

An electronic copy of your completed work (without an assignment coversheet) must be submitted via the Unit Moodle website. The site utilises URKUND (a plagiarism detecting tool) and so it is important you DO NOT include a cover page or this marking guide in your electronic submission. You can use a draft of your essay through URKUND to get a "report" and make any changes to referencing etc. before submitting your final copy by the due date.


Using the theories introduced write about your current home town.

Make clear links between what you are presenting and the readings and text books as well as your own information/resources.

Ensure you reference correctly (both in text and by providing a bibliography).

It is expected you will cover -

- Segmentation

- Marketing and Services Marketing

- Destination cycle

- Sustainability

Culture events and festivals

Destination development

The Nature of marketing


This piece of writing should be about 1,000 words in length (not including references).

You can add images and tables/figures if you like.....remember to indicate the source of these too.

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Other Management: Introduction the tourism research literature
Reference No:- TGS03037640

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