
introduction the term population is derived from

Introduction: the term, population is derived from lation word' populus' meaning 'people'. Population is a group organism of same in a particular is at a definite time period.

Population dynamics:  population dynamic is the branch of life science that deals with short and long-term changes in the size and age composition of population, and the biological and environmental processes that influencing those change.

Study of population dynamic includes:

(i)                 Effect of birth and death rate on population size.

(ii)               Composition of population (age group, sex ratios).

(iii)             Change in the distribution of population due to migration, again birth and death.

Objective of population study:

Main objectives are as follows:

(i)                 Awareness among students about the consequences of uncontrolled population growth.

(ii)               Benefits of lowering population growth.

(iii)             Relation of population to standard of living.

(iv)              Environmental damage due to excessive population growth.

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Biology: introduction the term population is derived from
Reference No:- TGS0156574

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