
Introduction of the rwanda genoicide

Assessment: Literature Review

Create a 1500 words + reference list( at least 6)

Format: Double-line spacing, size 12 font single sided, black and white print.

Reference Style: RMIT Business

Information about the process of submitting your assessment is on the myRMIT site for this course.

Your task is to review the literature relevant to the Course case study: Genocide in Rwanda: Leadership, ethics and organisational ‘failure' in a post-colonial context. The case focuses on the organizational factors that played a role in "failing" to prevent genocide in Rwanda. In particular, it focuses on the interplay between key leaders and geo-political relations.

A literature review is an examination of the relevant writings in a particular field or topic, not just a summary of the chapters and articles you have read. You should examine and illustrate the different frameworks of leadership (discussed in detail in Week 3 class) available to understand the relations between the leadership approaches and contexts which influenced the particular approaches. In the review, you should also express ideas, concepts, and arguments in a logical and coherent written form consistent with academic standards.

The overall purpose of this written assessment is for you to apply a broad and coherent body of knowledge in a particular context. We will assess you and give feedback on your ability to review critically, analyse, consolidate, and synthesise knowledge, communicate skills to present a clear, coherent, and independent exposition.

1) Outline/ skeleton of the report :

Introduction :

- Introduction of the Rwanda genoicide

Body :

- Research on trait approaches to leadership ( ex. transparency, personality)

- Research on the types of leadership in an organisation ( ex. authentic, charismatic, transformational)

- Application of leadership factors which i have research in compare to the leaders involved in Rwanda which failed in preventing the genocide ( ex. Comparing the type of leadership and Romeo Dallaire's leadership style)


- Express ideas by giving recommendations on how things can be improved.

2) The assignment guide indicates that ' because the case focuses on the interplay between key leaders and geo-political relations your review of the literature should also focus on leadership in geo-political contexts'.

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Other Subject: Introduction of the rwanda genoicide
Reference No:- TGS01871636

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