
Introduction of data structures

Question 1: Describe Linear and Non-Linear data structures with appropriate examples.

Question 2:

a) Give any five string handling functions with appropriate illustrations.
b) What do you mean by pointer? Give the benefits of pointers.

Question 3: Write a procedure for PUSH, POP and display of elements on stack and as well describe applications of stack.

Question 4: Explain the Binary tree traversals.

Question 5: Describe quick sort method and as well arrange the given elements into sorting order:

310, 285, 179, 652, 351, 423, 861, 254, 450, 520.

Question 6: What is an array? Explain various types of arrays.

Question 7: Define the term algorithm. How do you analyze an algorithm?

Question 8: Describe about the operations to perform on the Queue.

Question 9: Describe about circular linked list.

Question 10: Write a program on the circular queue by using arrays. 

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Introduction of data structures
Reference No:- TGS05190

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