
introduction in the earlier units of this block

INTRODUCTION : In the earlier units of this block you learnt the importance of proper filing and record keeping. You are also aware that in laboratory organisation and management, work related to filing, records and stocks is generally maintained manually/typed on paper. In this unit, you will become familiar with the use of computers as a tool for laboratory organisation and management.

Most of you must have seen a personal computer, PC as it is popularly called. Some of you may already be familiar with its use. Often schools and colleges that have science education have computers for the student's use and in the office for administrative use. You would realise that computers are becoming a necessity in all spheres of life and there will hardly be any laboratory, office or institution of the future that will not use the computer at some level for manipulating and organising information. Therefore, it would be in your interest to learn its use in laboratory organisation and management.

In this unit you will become familiar with the basic components of a personal computer, the terminology used in computerised systems and the various possibilities of their uses in laboratory organisation and management. For instance, computing systems can handle large amounts of information with far greater facility than humans can. Time consuming activities like filing, record keeping, stock controls and their link with accounts can be adapted and managed better with computerised systems.


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Computer Engineering: introduction in the earlier units of this block
Reference No:- TGS0266102

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