
Introduction identifying key elements of an introduction-

Assessment Task Peer Review-

This task requires you to peer review a fellow students' essay that was submitted for assessment.  The student Peer Review process helps to develop key strengths such as:

  • Learn how to read carefully, with attention to the details of a piece of writing (whether their own or another writer's)
  • Identify and apply key foundation principles of academic writing learnt in LHS.
  • Learn how to strengthen their writing by taking into account the responses of actual and anticipated readers;
  • Make the transition from writing primarily for themselves or for an instructor to writing for a broader audience-a key transition for students as they learn to write university-level papers and as they prepare for post-graduate work;
  • Learn how to formulate and communicate constructive feedback on a peer's work.


During this trimester you were provided with an essay topic on MMR Vaccination and Autism. This essay question was given to previous LHS students to complete as part of their assessment. In this task you have been provided with an anonymous student paper to review. You are to assess and analyse the paper by answering the questions provided. You are to explain, elaborate and provide examples where appropriate.

In Assessment Task you were asked to design a concept map based on this essay question. This contributed to your understanding of the essay topic and the expected research and content required answer these questions.

1. What is your overall impression of this essay? Explain.

2. Analysing the Essay Organisation:

Introduction: Identifying key elements of an Introduction

  • What was the 'attention grabbing' opening statement? Was it effective? Discuss.
  • Did the introduction identify the background information to the essay topic?
  • For this essay topic- what definitions do you believe were required? Did the introduction contain these definitions? If the author used a separate paragraph for definitions - what was the rationale for this?
  • Was a "plan" of the essay discussed within the introduction? Explain.

Main Body: For each paragraph within the essay:

  • Identify and record the topic sentence for each paragraph. Does each topic sentence have a topic and controlling idea? Discuss/identify.
  • The topic sentence should guide/control the paragraph.

For each paragraph:

  • Identify the topic of each paragraph.
  • Does the content of the paragraph focus on that single topic? (If not - what other themes are mentioned?)
  • List the evidence (and source)used to support the topic sentence.


  • Does the author summarize the main points within the essay? Is there any new information introduced?

3. Referencing:

In text referencing:

  • Were there any in-text citations referenced incorrectly? List the errors and provide the correct citation.
  • Did the author use both quotes and paraphrasing techniques? Or, was one favoured more than the other?

Final Reference list-

  • Review the final reference list- list the incorrect references- and provide the corrected answers.
  • Are the references legitimate? (e.g can you access the online references?)
  • Were there any inconsistencies between the references cited in the essay and those listed within the reference list?

Credibility of Reference Source-

  • How many references did the author use? Of these, how many references were credible and authoritative?
  • List the credible and the not credible sources separately. For each reference provide rationale/evidence to support your response.

4. Written expression and style:


  • Identify and correct the spelling, punctuation or proof-reading errors within the text.
  • Examine and comment on the academic language used within the essay. (e.g informal and formal language, person perspective)
  • What was your least favourite (or most confusing) sentence and why?

5. Content.

Question 1-

  • Did the author provide evidence from credible sources as evidence to identify that there was no link between autism and MMR vaccinations? Identify these references.
  • Did the author use more than one source as evidence? If you were to write this essay - how many examples or counter claims to the Wakefield argument would you believe to be appropriate? Discuss and justify your response by listing the counter claim arguments.

Question 2-

  • Did the author identify how the anti-vaccination movement used mis-information to support their campaign? What examples were used? Do you believe these examples were appropriate to answer this component of the question?

Question 3-

  • Did the author discuss why information provided to the public should be based on valid research? (rather than biased, incorrect or subjective information)

6. Presentation:

  • Did the author comply with APA 6 formatting guidelines? Explain using evidence to support your claims.

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Dissertation: Introduction identifying key elements of an introduction-
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