
Introduction and description of the technical

In the report, you need to present the following main aspects:
• Title page with title?
• Introduction and description of the technical problem. ?
• Governing equations and boundary conditions. ?
• Descriptions of your approach, grid generation, numerical methods, numerical ?boundary conditions, etc. ?
• Input data and parameters, grid size. CFD conditions, convergence criteria used in ?the simulation. ?
• Grid and computational results presented in figures. ?
• Discussions of results. Numerical results should be compared with corresponding ?exact solutions, or experimental data, or published CFD results by others. Discuss your results. Make comments on the accuracy of your results and the performance of the numerical method for solving your flow problem (stability, accuracy, shock resolutions, etc.). ?
• Conclusions. ?
• References cited in the report, if there is any. ?
• A print out of your computer program as an appendix of your report.

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Mechanical Engineering: Introduction and description of the technical
Reference No:- TGS0940946

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