
Introduce the article and include a brief summary of the

Introduce the article, and include a brief summary of the wider issue that the article is seeking to address. If you can see an ideological perspective, identify it.

Within your assignment you must show an understanding of the wider debate in which the article is participating. As well, identify where you observe statements of "causality" and comment on  the "theory and/or intuition" behind any statements of "causality" (and/or correlation). For example, a fall in a countries interest rate should, other things equal, cause a particular currency to weaken". 

if policy prescriptions  are made, show you understand the various trade-offs that may be involved.

The term "critically evaluate",  implies you must  look for points with which you agree, points with which you disagree, points that you partially agree but feel can be improved upon.  Marks will be awarded for the strength of which you support your arguments, if you find empirical support, all the better - you should show a strong awareness of the difference between facts, and opinions -  within which display an ability to recognize the varying degrees of quality of conjecture.

The articles are from a mixture of academics and practitioners, particularly in regards the latter, it may be worthwhile to review the profile of the author, as that may enrich your ability to evaluate the article. That is to say, think of what biases/vested interests may apply to various authors, and if any particular author may be renowned for taking a particular ideological affiliation.

Before you choose your article, ask yourself 2 questions:

i. Is this a point of personal interest, for which your own curiosity will help to propel you in writing your assignment?

ii. Do you see appropriate mileage in the article, (i.e do you see a sufficient  amount of decisional  content from which to build your essay)?

Browse the articles early on, identify which ones you feel are likely to be of interest to you, earmark them, look ahead and pay attention to which  lectures are bear an association to which topics, and keep an open mind to switching, Give it time, but do not leave it too late.

If you select an article, and book an appointment to speak with me about it, drop me an email in advance telling which article you want to discuss.

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Term Paper: Introduce the article and include a brief summary of the
Reference No:- TGS0652907

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