Intracellularly recording from pyramidal cells in a mouse
I am recording intracellularly from the neocortex of a mouse. If I place my electrode on one set of pyramidal neurons (Layer 2) and add fenfluramine (a serotonin uptake blocker), whithin 5 minutes the neurons produce GREATER amount of action potentials. But when I place fenfluramine while recording from another set of pyramidal cells (Layer 5 for example), the neurons showed a DECREASE in AP's (action potentials) after 5 minutes of treatment. How is this possible for one drug to affect similar cells in completely different methods?
Please offer any feedback - if you feel that I haven't explained the question well enough, or if you aren't certain what I am looking for, please let me know. I am looking for help getting started on this and am hoping that you can provide some guidance.