
intra company transfer pricinga company engaged

Intra company transfer pricing

A company engaged in production may have several segments division or departments doing production jobs or manufacturing party or fully finished goods. These division may require intra transfer of the goods manufacture by them for a purpose that the finished goods of a division may be used as raw material by the other for further working or proceeding to make another or fully finished goods. The question arises at what price the gaoods should be transferred by one division to the other.

In most of the cases it is the cost price if it is so no division can exhibit its own efficiency of working and can be held responsible for its inefficient. To avoid it each division is treated as semi autonomous in character and it is added to they division it would no doubt fetch greater revenue to itself but the transferee division would be put to s loss as its raw material coming to it form that division would be more costly and therefore this transferee division may like to buy directly from the market rather than to have it from its co division. Therefore in this situation no division would like to fix a price for transfer higher than the market price.


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Managerial Accounting: intra company transfer pricinga company engaged
Reference No:- TGS0312477

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