

Assessments Specification for Assignments 2 and 4-

The specification provided in this document would address the assignment specifications for the two written reports. The first component of the assessment is for the first major report (Assignment 2) and second component is for the second major report (Assignment 4).


XYZ Inc. is a growing enterprise that offers digital services globally. Their services include recruitment, tourism, bookings, health professional access and others. They have their own server and IT management, and due to advancement in technology, they are seriously considering moving to a cloud storage strategy so that they can realize a true distributed environment.

Your task is to provide them with a detailed report. For providing this detailed report, you can make assumptions as to the business model of XYZ inc. The assumptions will include:
• Size of the company;
• Turnover;
• Types of specific services offered within the scope given;
• Number of customers services in each of the above specific services;
• Current information management strategy used by your XYZ Inc.; and
• An organizational chart

Requirements for Assessment 2-

For this component, you will provide a PowerPoint presentation as to the type of strategies the organization should consider in procuring a Cloud Storage option. Your discussion should include, but is not limited to, what options are available, how these options will match the organizational needs, short and long term impact on the organization, cost benefit analysis (for this you will consider a worst, medium and best case options), and whether the organization needs to hire new staff and/or retrain existing staff.

The presentation will be restricted to a maximum of 15 slides, and there is no need for any references for this component. However, we recommend you maintain a reference list of sources used in your research as it will help in the next submission.

You can use your imagination as to the coverage of content you are going to present. In addition to the main slides, you must provide a presenter annotation as well so that the markers can understand your view point and why such a presentation is developed.

The presentation can contain animation and other presentation ‘bells and whistles'. However, please note that the size for the file is restricted to 10 MB.

Requirements for Assignment 4-

In this component, based on your presentation for assignment 2, you need to write an implementation strategy. This is a formal report submitted to the CEO of the company, and you may assume your role is the CTO in the organization.

The report can be of any structure but clearly needs to address the following components.

1. a clear evidence that you have considered at least three different strategies of implementation, weighing them very carefully to suit the conditions on hand, and then recommending the optimal option;

2. provide clear argument to the management as to the future benefits (such as enhanced decision making and knowledge dissemination) that your strategy would bring to the organization, and how they are expected to be achieved,;

3. highlight any risks or potential risks, and state how these risks can be mitigated;

4. provide a clear implementation strategy as to the cost aspects stated in your initial presentation in Assignment 2; and

5. provide a brief workforce capability and capacity assessment to meet the implementation requirements.

The report should be restricted to five A4 pages. In addition, you must provide a table to indicate how you collected the materials for the two assessments from the textbook. This should cover the following in the form of a table:

1. which chapter and section the content was chosen;
2. what is the main point discussed in the chapter;
3. how this is articulated in the given context;
4. why this articulation is necessary; and
5. specific page references.

You should focus on appropriate chapters for the above two assignments.

In addition, to meet the MBA graduate attribute, you need to provide a 100 word summary as to how you realised ‘team work' aspects in completing the assignment. This could be forum discussion involvement, discussing the assignment with your colleagues or classmates, or combination of both.

Submission requirements:

1. The file format for submission is ‘pdf'.
2. Only one file is accepted, therefore package all components into one ‘pdf'.
3. The file should be submitted via the assignment link provided.
4. There is NO NEED to undertake any plagiarism check, as the assignment submission system will automatically submit the file for plagiarism
5. Reference format is Harvard Style (see USQ guidelines on this)
6. Document formatting such as page number, footer, header will be an essential component of submission.
7. Please refer to USQ policies on late submission, penalties etc.

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Business Management: Inthiscomponentbasedonyourpresentation
Reference No:- TGS01376728

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