
Interviewing prospective employees for your organization


Review each of the three cases below. For this task, write a paper in which you evaluate and analyze the following three cases based on Guffey and Loewy's (2015, p. 26-27) seven ethical guidelines. Be certain to describe the situation, the ethical factors, and what can be done differently for a more effective and ethical result.

Case 1: A clothing manufacturer produced a T-shirt emblazoned with a ferocious red and blue eagle beneath the words "American Made." However, a small label inside revealed that the shirt was made in Mexico. In response to complaints that the slogan was deceptive, a company spokeswoman said that "American Made" referred to the actual person wearing the shirt, not the manufacturer.

Case 2: As a manager interviewing prospective employees for your organization, you are expected to tell candidates that the firm is a great place to work. However, you know that the work environment is bad, morale is low, and staff turnover is high.

Case 3: Your office employees use smart phones, e-mail, voice mail, and text messaging. As a manager, you notice that some employees purposely utilize these electronic communications instead of saving time and resources by having face-to-face interactions. As a manager, you understand the importance of electronic media, but you also know it may not always be the most effective means of communication.

Support your paper with a minimum of three (3) external resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5 to 7 pages not comprising title and reference pages.

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Other Management: Interviewing prospective employees for your organization
Reference No:- TGS01754006

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