
Interviewing and obtaining the right person for right job


United Booksellers is the fifth largest retailer of publications on the west coast of the United states. It started 15 years ago as a family owned bookstore in Seattle, Washington, and had grown to over 125 stores in seven states. The organization currently employees over 3000 employees, each of whom receives extensive customer service training priop to being allowed to interact with the customers. Recent issues of Booksellers Journal and Publishers Select magazine have Heralded the quality service and friendly atmosphere of the organization. United Booksellrs has been praised for the appearance of the facilities, and the helpfulness and efficiency of the employees, wide selection of publications,and intimate coffee shops where patrons can relax and read their purchases over a hot cup of fresh cappuccino.

As a new customer service professional with United Booksellers,you are excited about starting your new job,which will require continual customer contact. As a child you watched your siblings perform continual customer service functions at the local Burger Mania Restaurant and always thought that you would like to follow their lead. Since you like people, enjoy a challenge and don't get stressed out easily, and have hopes of moving into management,you anticipate that this job will be just right for you. In this position you will be expected to receive new publications from publishers, log in receipts, stock shelves, assist customers and ocassionally work as a backup cashier.

Please answer the following three questions in your own thoughts on this as if it was an interview. There is no need for references as this is an exorcise for interviewing and obtaining the right person for the right job.

1. Are there indicators of United booksellers' service culture? if so what do you feel they are?

2. If you where an employee in what ways would you feel that you could contribute to the organizational culture?

3. If you where a customer what kind of service would you expect to receive at United Book seller?

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HR Management: Interviewing and obtaining the right person for right job
Reference No:- TGS02025647

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