
Interviewing a relative or friend about managerial

Interviewing a relative or friend about managerial accounting techniques used in their work and writing a summary of the interview

Many non-accountants use managerial accounting techniques in their jobs; this project allows one to explore the extent to which managerial accounting arises in unexpected circumstances. Please note that the person one is interviewing does not need to be an accountant; in fact, the interview is more valuable if the person is not an accountant.

A list of questions that can be used in the interview is available in the Appendix to this document. One is expected to write-up a 2-3 pages summary of the interview. The notes taken during the interview listing the questions and answers should be attached to your report. Grading will be as explained above. Students are urged to wait until after Exam I to do the interview; delaying the interview until after Exam II will provide one with even more opportunities to ask interesting questions.

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Marketing Management: Interviewing a relative or friend about managerial
Reference No:- TGS0991966

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