
Interview one family member and one close friend note you

Final Paper - THIS IS A THREE PART ASSIGNMENT PAPER - Read each numbered segment carefully for full instructions on the number of pages required for each segment - The total paper must be at LEAST seven pages in length. YOU WILL LOSE POINTS FOR NOT FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS.worth 150 points - this is where you can make us some points! Please remember to complete ALL parts of this assignment, and submit as a Word document in assignments section of this BlackBoard course under Final Paper dropbox. PLEASE USE NUMBERS ON YOUR PAPER TO REFER TO THE THREE ASSIGNMENTS TO RECEIVE PROPER CREDIT. Submit only one word document containing all three segments of the paper.

1. Refer to assignment one, the paper you wrote about a conflict you were having with someone in your life. Taking into account all that you have learned regarding Interpersonal Communication this semester, do an in-depth analysis of how to handle the conflict using strategies talked about in the book or discussed in articles featured on the companion website.

Use the book for terms and strategies needed for the analysis. Incorporate names of theories and practical application of the theories in regard to your situation. This analysis should incorporate ideas from throughout the textbook, web explorations, etc.

The analysis should be at least two pages in length, double-spaced, normal margins (on each side AND top and bottom, this means one inch), 12-point font size (NO LARGER, or write more pages or your grade will be reflective of such), proper use of sentence structure, word spelling, and paragraph usage are expected. Please print your name in the lower left corner of the last page.

2. Interview one family member and one close friend (Note: You may interview two friends if family member is not available, but try for one family member). Ask them to be honest and discuss EACH of the following about you:

*Comfort with other cultures

*Amount and comfort in self-disclosure

*Your listening style and ability

*Your nonverbal communication style and specific communication gestures you often use.

*Comfort in close personal relationships

*Communication in maintaining relationships

*Degree of comfort and success in communicating with members of the opposite sex overall *Power" displayed or conveyed in personal relationships (Refer to your book's definition of "power" and discuss: how you use it, how you don't have it, how you misuse it, etc.)

After your interviews, reflect on the answers and write three pages (double spaced, 12 point font size, proper spelling and paragraph usage, normal margins at top, bottom and on each side of your paper, this means one inch margins!) regarding the answers you uncovered. Give details about what you learned from the interviews that you did not know about yourself, and what you wish to change in EACH of the various communication aspects

. Be sure to cover ALL aspects in your paper. Do not write this paper in question and answer style - IT SHOULD BE IN AN ESSAY FORM.

3. Read the following article on leadership from the Harvard Business Review in its entirety. IF YOU CAN'T OPEN THE ARTICLE, call the help desk or go to a computer that will open the article. This is not a complicated file to open. Reflect on the article, and write at least a two-page reaction paper discussing what aspects of this class interconnect with "Emotional intelligence/Leadership" discussed in the article. Be specific and use personal examples and analysis.

NOTE: There is a video on the "video and readings" section of this course that is labeled "video for final paper." This video is an interview with the author of the article you are to read. Again, call the Redlands Help desk if you can't open the file or video. You can still complete the assignment if you can't open the video, but you must read the article.

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Other Subject: Interview one family member and one close friend note you
Reference No:- TGS02544814

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