Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you investigate the interrelationship between culture and the visual entertainment media, such as television and film. Include answers to the following questions:
· In what ways have various forms of visual entertainment media shaped American culture and its values?
· Are the social influences of the visual entertainment media mostly positive or negative? Explain.
llustrate your answers with specific examples.
You should persuade the reader that your responses are based upon critical thinking and evidence critical analysis
You must have an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph.Conclude your paper by summarizing how visual media either reflect or influence social behavior and attitudes.
Set the stage for the reader in your introduction and bring the reader to the logical points you made throughout your paper in the conclusion.
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.
The tone should be persuasive and inspire confidence in your analysis.
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentences are well constructed, strong, and varied. Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.
Make a clear connection between your points, examples, and analysis. Remember punctuation is to help the reader to follow your logic. Clear, concise sentence can help the reader as well.
Paragraphs and transitions are used where appropriate.
I suggest a minimum of four to five paragraphs.
reference page where appropriate.
You must have a title page, double spacing, appropriate font, and citations and references so as to show support via sources.