
Interpretation of torah used by practitioners


Q1. Jews called the area they settled in the Rhine Valley the land of:

Q2. The language spoken by the Jews of Christian Europe was a dialect of German called:

Q3. The language spoken by Spanish Jews is called:

Q4. Jews descended from the Medieval Jews of Spain are called:

Q5. Voluntary organizations that provided social services in Jewish communities were known as:

Q6. The most influential interpreter of the Jewish tradition in medieval Europe was called:

Q7. In the Middle Ages, Aristotle’s ideas became a part of Jewish thought in the work of

Q8.  Saadia Gaon argued that reason was:

Q9. In 1492 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella required Spanish Jews to:

Q10. The Zohar is an interpretation of the Torah used by practitioners of:

Q11. List five challenges that modernization brought to Judaism:

Q12.Name three ways that Reuven and Danny were alike:

Q13.Name three ways in which Danny and Reuven were different

Q14. In what type of American Judaism was Reuven raised?

Q15.Give three examples of people being chosen in this novel:

  ________________________ was chosen for ______________________.

_________________________was chosen for _______________________.

_________________________was chosen for _______________________.

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format.

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History: Interpretation of torah used by practitioners
Reference No:- TGS01945080

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