
Interpret x as the result of a doctors diagnostic test and

Homework 1- Micro III - Spring 2007

1. Consider the problem (u, A) and the random variables X, X' given by

a = 3



a = 2



a = 1




Y = 1

Y = 2


X = 2



X = 1




Y = 1

Y = 2


X' = 2



X' = 1




Y = 1

Y= 2

where, e.g. 50 = u(a = 1, Y = 1) and 0.3 = P(X = 2|Y = 1).

a. Let (β, 1 - β) ∈ ?(R(Y)) be a distribution over the range of Y . Give the set of β for which argmaxaAu(a, y) dβ(y) = {1}, argmaxaAu(a, y) dβ(y) = {2}, and argmaxaAu(a, y) dβ(y) = {3}.

b. Give the βXx and the βX'x'. Using the previous problem, give the solutions fX and fX' to the problems maxfA^S E u(f(X), Y) and maxfA^S E u(f(X'), Y ). From these calculate V(u,A)(X) and V(u,A)(X').

c. Let M = (βXx, P(X = x))x=1,2 ∈ ?(?(R(Y)) and M' = (βX'x', P(X' = x'))x'=1,2 ∈ ?(?(R(Y)). Show directly that M is not risker than M' and that M' is not riskier than M.

d. Graph, in R2, the sets of achievable, Y -dependent utility vectors for the random variables X and X'. That is, graph

F(u,A)(X) = {(E (u(f(X), Y)|Y = 1), E (u(f(X), Y)|Y = 2)) ∈ R2: f ∈ AS}


F(u,A)(X') = {(E (u(f(X'), Y)|Y = 1), E (u(f(X'), Y)|Y = 2)) ∈ R2: f ∈ AS}.

e. If we allow random strategies, that is, pick f according to some q ∈ ?(AS), then the sets of achievable Y -dependent utility vectors become con (F(u,A)(X)) and con (F(u,A)(X')). Show that the same is true if we allow "behavioral strategies," that is, f ∈ ?(A)S.

f. Show that con (F(u,A)(X)) ⊄ con (F(u,A)(X')) and con (F(u,A)(X')) ⊄ con (F(u,A)(X)).

g. Give a different problem, (u?, A?) for which X 1203_Figure.png­(u?,A?) X'.

2. Let X, X' be two signals, and define X'' = (X, X') to be both signals. Let S, S' and S'' be the ranges of the three signals.

a. Show directly that for all (u, A), X''1122_Figure1.png(u,A) X.

b. Show directly that {(βX''x'', P(X'' = x''))x''S'' is riskier than {(βXx, P(X = x))xS.

c. Interpret X as the result of a doctor's diagnostic test and X' is the result of a possible additional test. Show that if f(X,X')(x, x') = fX(x) for a problem (u, A), then there is no point in doing the extra test.

3. Most of the following results are in the Muller [1] article, which covers and extends the famous Rothschild and Stiglitz [2], [3] articles on increases in risk.

a. If q is a mean preserving spread of p, then q is riskier than p.

b. If X ∼ p (i.e. P(X ∈ A) = p(A)), Y ∼ q, and there is a random variable Z such that E (Z|X) = 0 and X + Z ∼ q, then q is riskier than p.

c. Let p0 = δ0, p1 = ½δ-1 + ½δ1. Let p2 = ½δ-1 + ¼δ0 + ¼δ2, and p3 = ¼δ-2 + ¼δ0 + ¼δ0 + ¼δ2 = ¼δ-2 + ½δ0 + ¼δ2. Continuing in this fashion, p4 = 1/8δ-4 + 6/8δ0 + 1/8δ4, and so on.

i. Show that p1 is a mean preserving spread of p0.

ii. Show that pk+1 is a mean preserving spread of pk.

iii. Show that pk →w p0.

d. The previous problem showed that a sequence can become riskier and riskier and still converge to something that is strictly less risky. Show that this cannot happen if pk([a, b]) ≡ 1 for some compact interval [a, b]. Specifically, show that if pk([a, b]) ≡ 1, for all k, pk+1 is riskier than pk, and pk → q, then q is riskier than all of the pk.

4. In each time period, t = 1, . . ., a random wage offer, Xt ≥ 0, arrives. The Xt are iid with cdf F. The problem is which offer to accept. If offer Xt = x is accepted, utility is βtu(x) where 0 < β < 1, and u: R+ → R is strictly monotonic, concave, and ∫u(x) dF(x) < ∞. A "reservation wage" policy is one that accepts all offers of x or above for some x.

a. Show that the optimal policy is a reservation wage policy, and give the distribution of the random time until an offer is expected.

b. In terms of u and F, give the expected utility of following a reservation wage policy with reservation wage x.

c. If the offers are, instead, iid Yt with cdf G and G is riskier than F, then the optimal reservation wage is higher, and the expected utility is also higher.

5. Xa is your random income depending on your action a ≥ 0, understood as money that you spend on stochastically increasing Xa. The distribution of Xa is Ra,c := cQa + (1 - c)µ, 0 ≤ c ≤ 1. Here, µ does not depend on a, but, if a > a', then Qa first order stochastically dominates Qa'. The parameter c is the amount of "control" that you have, c = 0 means you have no control, c = 1, means you have the most possible.

This question asks you how a depends on c. Intuitively, increasing c ought to increase the optimal action, more control means that your actions have more effect.

Let f(a, c) = Eu(Xa - a) where u is an increasing, concave function. Increases in a pull down Xa - a, hence u(Xa - a), by increasing the direct cost, but increase Xa - a by stochastically increasing Xa.

a. Show that f(·, ·) is not, in generaly, supermodular.

b. Suppose that f(a, c) is smooth, that we can interchange integration and differentiation, and that the optimum, a(c) is differentiable. The fa := ∂f/∂a is equal to

fa = - ∫u'(x - a)dµ(x) + cd/da[messy term with Qa and µ].

We let m = [messy term with Qa and µ].

i. Show that if fa(a, c) = 0, then ∂m(a, c)/∂a > 0.

ii. Show that fa,c := ∂2f/∂a∂c = ∂m/∂a > 0.

iii. Show that da(c)/dc > 0.


1. Alfred Muller, Comparing risks with unbounded distributions, J. Math. Econom. 30 (1998), no. 2, 229-239. MR MR1652641 (99m:90049)

2. Michael Rothschild and Joseph E. Stiglitz, Increasing risk. I. a definition, J. Econom. Theory 2 (1970), 225-243. MR MR0503565 (58 #20284a)

3. Increasing risk. II. Its economic consequences, J. Econom. Theory 3 (1971), 66-84. MR MR0503567 (58 #20284c).

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Microeconomics: Interpret x as the result of a doctors diagnostic test and
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