Study of supervisor-targeted aggression. ''Moonlighters'' are workers who hold two jobs at the same time. What are the factors that impact the likelihood of a moonlighting worker becoming aggressive toward his/her supervisor? This was the research question of interest in the Journal of Applied Psychology (July 2005). Completed questionnaires were obtained from n = 105 moonlighters and the data were used to fit several multiple regression models for supervisor-directed aggression score (y). Two of the models (with R2 values in parentheses) are given below:
Model 1:
E(y) =β0 + β1(Age)
+β3(Interaction injustice at second job)
+β4(Abusive supervisor at second job)
(R2 = .101)
Model 2:
E(y)=β0 + β1(Age) + β2(Gender)
+β3(Interactional injustice at second job)
+β4(Abusive supervisor at second job)
+β6(History of aggression)
+β7(Interactional injustice at primary job)
+β8(Abusive supervisor at primary job)
(R2 = .555)
(a) Interpret the R2 values for the models.
(b) Give the null and alternative hypotheses for comparing the fits of Models 1 and 2.
(c) Are the two models nested? Explain.
(d) The nested F-test for comparing the two models resulted in F = 42.13 and p-value
(e) A third model was fit, one that hypothesizes all possible pairs of interactions between Self-esteem, History of aggression, Interactional injustice at primary job, and Abusive supervisor at primary job. Give the equation of this model (Model 3).
(f) A nested F-test to compare Models 2 and 3 resulted in a p-value > .10. What can you conclude from this result?