
Interpret the importance of continually pursuing


• Justify the assembly of a balanced product portfolio by marketing managers as a means of ensuring extended success in the health care market industry. Provide two real-life examples to support your rationale.

• Assess the importance of portfolio planning in the health care industry, and determine at least one  approach to portfolio planning that can help marketing managers to ensure productive marketing operations. Provide at least two specific examples of portfolio planning in a health care organization with which you are familiar.

• Interpret the importance of continually pursuing opportunities for growth within the health care marketplace, and identify expansion opportunities available to health care institutions through the use of Igor Ansoff's Product-Market Expansion Grid. Provide support for your response.

• Assess the critical pursuit of identity management and its role in helping health care entities build strong, recognizable brands. Provide at least two specific examples of identity initiatives within a health care organization.

Please Be...

1. Insightful

2. Original and accurate

3. Substantive

4. Demonstrate advanced understanding of concepts

5. Compile/synthesize theories and concepts drawn from a variety of sources to support statements and conclusions.

6. Offer points of view supported by research

7. Ask challenging questions that promoted discussion

8. Draw relationships between one or more points in the discussion.

9. Write in a clear, concise, formal and organized manner.

10. Responses are error free.

11. Information from sources is paraphrased appropriately and accurately cited.

12. Resources utilized MUST be scholarly peer reviewed references (eHow, Wikipedia, etc. are NOT acceptable).

13. Initial post is 250 words minimum

14. Responses are 150 words minimum

15. Reference all Citations

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Other Management: Interpret the importance of continually pursuing
Reference No:- TGS01776984

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