Interpret the following output examining group differences for purchase intentions. The three groups refer to consumers from three states: illinois, Louisiana, and Texas. Assume the significance level is 0.05. In 2-3 sentences, what assumptions can you make? Tests of Between-Subject Effects Dependent Variable: int2 Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Corrected Model 6681.746 2 3340.873 3.227 0.043 Intercept 308897.012 1 308897.012 298.323 0.000 State 6681.746 2 3340.873 3.227 0.043 Error 148068.543 143 1035.444 Total 459697.250 146 Corrected Total 154750.289 145 Law Dependent Variable: int2 95% confidence interval State Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound IL 37.018 4.339 28.441 45.595 LA 50.357 4.965 40.542 60.172 TX 51.459 4.597 42.373 60.546 Comment