
Interpret the coefficient on hs diploma in column 1 and

Assignment -

The table created in this assignment is on the exam with several similar question. This assignment requires the data set "AddHealthWave 4.dta" available on Carmen. (If you have an old version of STATA, you can use the data labeled old stata AddHealth)

1. Estimate each of the following equations and create a regression result table similar to those completed in previous homeworks. Use variable labels, display the R2, assign stars for p-values of 0.01, 0.05, and 0.10. Note: You must create the degree level dummies from the variable degree. The variables bachelors graddeg doc pro hsgrad are not the same thing.

(a) Earnings = β0 + β1age + β2age2 + β3female + β4H.S.Diploma + β5Bachelors + β6Masters + β7DoctorateorProfessional + β8NumberofJobs + e

(b) Earnings = β0 + β1age + β2age2 + β3female + β4H.S.Diploma + β5Bachelors +β6Masters + β7DoctorateorProfessional + β8NumberofJobs + β9Hrs/W kinPrimaryJob + e

(c) ln(Earnings) = β0 + β1age + β2age2 + β3female + β4H.S.Diploma + β5Bachelors + β6Masters + β7DoctorateorProfessional + β8NumberofJobs + β9Hrs/W kinPrimaryJob + e

(d) ln(Earnings) = β0 + β1age + β2age2 + β3female + β4NumberofJobs + β5Hrs/W kinPrimaryJob + e

(e) ln(Earnings) = β01age + β2age2 + β3female + β4HighestDegree + β5NumberofJobs + β6Hrs/W kinPrimaryJob + β7female ∗ HighestDegree + e

2. Interpret the coefficient on H.S. Diploma in column 1 and again in column 3.

3. Interpret the coefficients on female, highest degree, and female*highest degree in column 5.

4. For the regressions run in part (a) and part (b), are returns to age, increasing, decreasing, or constant? Explain.

5. Calculate a confidence interval on the female coefficient in part (c).

6. Use an F-test to test the joint significance of the degree dummies from part (c).

7. Use an F-test to test the joint significance of all variables in part (a).

8. The coefficient on number of jobs changes drastically between part (a) and part (b). Explain why.

9. Using our specification search criteria. Choose your preferred specification and explain why.

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Applied Statistics: Interpret the coefficient on hs diploma in column 1 and
Reference No:- TGS02722719

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