Interpret the abbreviations highlighted

Question: Interpret the abbreviations highlighted found in the attached case study. Presenting Complaint: Mr. John Doe presented to the emergency department with SOB, fever, and productive cough of yellow-green sputum for the past 5 days. He has a history of COPD and CF. History of Present Illness: The patient's symptoms began gradually and have worsened over the past few days. He has been using his MDI as prescribed but has not experienced significant relief. He denies any recent URI or contact with individuals with active TB. Physical Examination: Upon examination, Mr. Doe appeared tachypneic and had decreased breath sounds on auscultation, particularly in the LLL and RML of the lung. He exhibited signs of respiratory distress, with intercostal retractions and use of accessory muscles. CXR revealed bilateral infiltrates consistent with CAP. Diagnostic Studies: ABGs showed hypoxemia with a PaO2/FiO2 ratio less than 200, indicative of ARDS. Sputum was sent for C


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Other Subject: Interpret the abbreviations highlighted
Reference No:- TGS03392543

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