
Interpret observation using eylf reference


Today Mila walked into the nursery room holding Claire hand as Claire says, "Good morning" to all the educators. The educators greeted Claire back then Mila ''Good morning, Mila" Mila then quickly hides behind Claire shying away from them. She then pokes her head from side of her mum showing a tiny glimpse of smile and then continues to hide. Claire then said; "morning teatime Mila, let's go to the table together." And encourage to walk with Mila to the meals table and sat next to her. As Mila began to eat her morning tea and Dani sat next to her on the other side. Claire then got up and said to Mila; "Mummy is going now. Mummy see you soon, love you. Bye Mila." Kissing Mila then continued to say bye as she leaves. Mila stayed seated on her chair beside Dani looking a little bit sad but didn't cry. Mila then responded non-verbally quietly to her mum waving bye. Interpret observation using EYLF reference


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Reference No:- TGS03421038

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