
Interpersonal effectiveness is a broad topic that entails

Assignment 2: Reflection 1

Interpersonal effectiveness is a broad topic that entails many aspects of how we view and interact with the world. In each module, you will take in a great amount of information from a variety of sources-your reading, media presentations, case studies, etc. In addition to graded reflection activities, you are encouraged to keep a journal through the course to reflect on how what you learn applies to your life as a person, professional, and student. This module, your graded reflection activity will focus on your own interpersonal effectiveness and propose ways that you can improve areas of weakness.

For this assignment, you must submit a brief reflection paper to the Dropbox. Before you start, choose a partner to interview, someone who is close to you that can provide you with serious feedback about your interpersonal effectiveness. This person may be a close friend, family member, or significant other. Explain each of the four components of interpersonal effectiveness to your partner (competence, mindfulness, emotional intelligence and ethics). Ask your partner how they feel you are doing in each component. (Take notes!) What do you do well, what needs attention or improvement?

Next, go back and review your results from the Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment(s) that you completed in Module 1. Consider how they compare to your interview results.

You should write your reflection paper using Microsoft Word, double-spaced, and using a 12-point font. Provide a reference for any sources, such as your textbook, at the end of your paper. This paper should be about 2-3 pages in length. Please make sure that you are including the terms and concepts from your readings and course site to support your reflection:

  • Consider the four components of interpersonal effectiveness, competence, emotional intelligence, mindfulness and ethics. Think about how you are doing in each of these components. How does your friend/partner think you are doing on each of these components? Where are you doing well? Where do you need some practice? Consider the results from your Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment in Module 1. How accurate were the results? What did you learn about yourself from the self-assessment? (Please write at least 1 page for this section.)
  • How do each of these tenets of interpersonal communication affect you in the following areas: (Please write at least ½ page for these.)
  1. Personally?
  2. Academically?
  3. Professionally?
  • Summarize two key insights from this assignment. What do you know now about your behavior and interpersonal effectiveness that you didn't know before? (Please write at least ½ page for this.)
  • Looking back at the goals that you set for yourself, what new behaviors can you practice that will help you reach them? Explain. (Please write at least ½ page for this.)

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