
Interpersonal communication skills

This has been said that our survival as social beings based in large on our interpersonal communication skills. This is easy to under-emphasize the significance of everyday communication. While public speakers often deal with issues of national significance and members of decision-making groups frequently design significant new products, members of interpersonal dyads tend to spend their time in what seem to be less important pursuits: gossiping, joking or simply passing the time. Viewed in this light, interpersonal communication hardly seems to be a topic worthy of serious study. What if you for one hour of the day, you did no communicating? Throughout this hour, you did your best not to communicate verbally and you keep your non-verbal communication to a minimum.

1) Explain how do you think this experiment would make you feel all through that one hour which you could not communicate with others?

2) How do you think others around you would react to you not communicating to them? What might they state to you?

3) What do you think your behavior would be similar to by not communicating with others around you?

4) What do you think the behavior of others around you would be similar to?

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Other Subject: Interpersonal communication skills
Reference No:- TGS029557

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