
Interpersonal communication involves self-talk

Analysis Paper

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Interpersonal communication:

In Julia Woods’ text, interpersonal communication involves self-talk or communicating with ourselves. This is discussed in chapter two of the book, where the author explains that intrapersonal communication is similar to thinking because it is a cognitive procedure, which occurs within us. The author adds that since such thinking depends on language to reflect and mention ideas it is also a form of communication (Wood 34). Inaddition, when a person engages in self-talk it helps them to consider various scenarios and select an option or action, whichthey deem best. In my life whenever, I face a challenge or when something goes wrong, I often engage in self-talk. Sometimes I criticize myself for making the wrong choice, but I mostly self-talk when I wish to motivate myself to do better, improve or accomplish something.

I mostly depict this behavior when I am about to carry out something challenging in my life. I often use the self-talk skill to give myself courage and motivate myself to do something. For instance, one weekend my church organized a challenge for our church members in various categories. For the young people,especially those in high school we were to contest in a singingcompetition. Over time, I have always been encouraged by myparents and friends that I have a nice and melodious voice, which can sing. Therefore, during the contest, my mother registered me and I had to sing before the congregation.

I practiced one song, which was famous and highly liked among many people in my community. I was confident that I would sing and excel during my performance at church.However, when the context began everyone seemed to do exceptionally well, which somehow affected my confidence and had me worried. Particularly, one girl sang in an angelic voice, which left the congregation on their feet applauding her. I was to sing after the girl, and I started to worry that I would not be as great similar to the girl. However, I engaged in self-talk whereby I closed my eyes and said I silent prayer of encouragement.

Before I went to stage, I rehearsed the song I was going to person in my mind. It sound perfect and I said to myself that I had done enough practice to match the girl’s performance or better it. therefore, in my self-talk I encouraged and inspired myself not only to sing to the best way I can but also outperform the girl who was clearly the best performer in the lot. Therefore, I used my intrapersonal communication skills positively to use the challenge of outperforming the clear favorite performer of the crowd so far.

Moreover, whenever I engage in self-talk, I often block out all other negative scenarios, which might hamper myperformance or affect my confidence and self-esteem while I focus on the positives. Therefore, I said to myself as I enteredthe stage that I was the best singer and performer in my category, and I was going offer a grand performance that everyone would be taking about for weeks if not years. Once Ientered the stage all fears and worries disappeared as I said to myself that this was my moment and no one else matteredregardless of their performance. Ultimately, I won the challenge and I owed it partly to my hard work in practice and partlybecause of my intrapersonal communication, which offered me courage and confidence to perform well, when in the mind of everyone the girl who performed before me seemed unbeatable until I sang.  Therefore, I believe that after I finish this class, I would have learnt more concerning intrapersonal communication, which could aid me to eliminate any negative,self-talk, especially when facing a difficult challenge.

Work cited:

Wood, Julia T. Communication Mosaics (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2000. Print.

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