
Internet-direct marketing plan

Assignment to do:

Course Projects: Internet & Direct Marketing Plan

This week you'll be developing and turning in 2 separate promotional plans for this assignment, an Internet Plan and a Direct Marketing Plan. These planseach requirefour sections; objective(s), a budget, a message strategy, a media plan and optional artwork. These sections should be different this week (versus last week) and, different from each other given the benefits/applications of each specific promotional area/category. In sum, you'll be answering what your objectivesare for these particular promo mixesthat you developed? What will these plans cost to deploy/use (you're building a line-item budget for all of the associated costs)? What is your message strategy for each specific promo mix (use the book for guidance on message strategies)? What's your media plan and why; the book will help you choose and justify your selections as well as the IMC supplements in Doc Sharing, which are critical to helping you do well.

A variety of "artwork" possibilities are listed for the optional art for each promo mix:

Internet Marketing Plan - Artwork is optional, but can include your own developed examples such as a mock Website, Email ads, Pop-up ads, and so on.

Direct Marketing Plan - Artwork is optional, but can include your own developed examples of direct mailers, brochures, direct Emails, letters, TV ads, salesperson scripts, and so on.

Important Grading Notes/Requirements:

1. Each promotion mix assignments must be at least 2-3 pages in length (4-6 total) and be sure to subtitle each section in your paper by each of the above requirements (i.e. objective, a budget, a message strategy, a media plan and artwork). You can present each plan separately or together under these required sections.

2. Use your book and lecture readings as well as your own independent research to understand both how and specifically what to address for each required topic area.

3. Refer to the Assignment Details Class Announcement as well as the 410 MKT GI ndividual Campaign Guide in Doc Sharing which is critical for providing additional support and guidance on meeting the assignment requirements. Utilize the How to conduct research and use Lexis.ppt in Doc Sharing for support on how to conduct independent research if you are not familiar about how to do so. While optional, consider reading DH 410 Presentation Skills in Marketing.docx in Doc Sharing to help you with properly writing reports for this class.

4. Points will be awarded based on your ability to comprehensively address each of the required sections, grounded on/utilizing our course concepts as well as your ability to write a professional appearing report which is free from grammar and spelling errors and, properly cited sources for applicable content and artwork.The Integrated Marketing Communications Campaign:
The Individual Campaigns that Comprise the Promotional Mix

Each individual campaign requires an objective, a budget, a message strategy, a media strategy, a media plan and artwork. You will develop five individual campaigns - select one promotional piece for each campaign:

Advertising(or supplementary media) - e.g. TV advertising, radio, print ad, (Billboards, flyers and business cards are supplementary media that may suit a small businesses budget)

Internet marketing - e.g.website/home page (design a page - you are not expected to develop a website) - banner ad, social media, email

Direct marketing- e.g.postcards, infomercials, telemarketing or DM-specific email

Sales promotion - e.g. Coupon, gift with purchase, contest

Public relations - e.g. Press Release announcing support for a charity - e.g. sponsor a marathon, sponsor a sports team


General Objective:Identify the brand you are working on - what unique value proposition (UVP)/bundle of benefits, does this brand offer the customer. What is the brand concept, brand problem and the objective of the IMC(the general objectives will be the same for each campaign - you can copy this into each campaign plan)


Specific Objective: Which campaign is this? How will it support the IMC Campaign? (This is different for each campaign) What are your specifically planned outcomes, reasoned & tied to these plans?



How much will this cost?  Dollar values for ALL general costs incurred by your plans? (both expenditures & revenue losses, if applicable, such as from discounts given)


Message Strategy: See the extra list at the end too!!!


What is the big idea? - What is the message that is driving the campaign - what is the reason WHY consumers must buy your product? This becomes you're your brand concept (e.g. "America runs on Dunkin'" - "Because your worth it from L'Oreal)" and how will the message strategy be implemented? *


What unique selling points (USPs) will you focus upon?  - If you try to convince the consumer of every product benefit you will confuse them - select one or two.


Media Strategy:

Describe what the promotional piece will look like in terms of:


Text (Headings, subheadings, body copy)

Visuals (Image)

Brand Logo(and brand name)

Call to action(URL, # tag, phone number)



Media Plan:

Who will be exposed to this communication - reach (how many),frequency (how often), in your target population?


What are the specific Where's, When's and Why's of your media plan?


Briefly state how will this be tracked and evaluated.



Include the artwork - use Google images, paint or MS publisher to help you develop an example of the proposed promotional piece



How will the message strategybe implemented so that each campaign will achieve your communications objectives? - some suggestions:

1. Use our concepts such as the AIDA, ELM, Persuasion Matrix models

2. Promote brand recall

3. Link key attributes to the brand name

4. Persuade the customer

5. Instill a preference

6. Scare the consumer into action

7. Change behavior by inducing anxiety

8. Transform a consumption experience

9. Situate the brand socially

10. Define the brand image




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Business Management: Internet-direct marketing plan
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