International Trade
Question: "International trade rules and practices have worked in favour of developed countries (DCs) but against less- developed countries (LDCs) in recent decades." Critically evaluate this statement providing real-world examples & recent evidence to support your argument.
In Essay Format:
- Indentification of the issue/ Introduction
- Relevant information
- Application of knowledge
- Conclusion and recommendation
- With Microsoft word document
- This essay should not exceed 3000 word limit
- For references, use the Chicago Author-Date style (IN TEXT AND REFERENCE)
- Using at least 5 references
Referencing Examples for this question:
Free Trade and Developing Countries: Beneficial or Detrimental? By: Aruni Mukherjee 2004
International Labour and Environmental Standards Agreements: Is This Fair Trade? Steven Suranovic , The World Economy Volume 25, Issue 2, pages 231-245, February 2002