
international support to control hpai and other

International support to control HPAI and other TADs

In 2008, a new global approach called "One World, One Health" was defined by the four international technical agencies, i.e. FAO, the World Health Organization, OIE and the United Nations Children's Fund, as well as the World Bank and the United Nations System Influenza Coordinatio n. T his strate gic framework involves multidisciplinary interaction among the public health, animal health, wildlife and national and cultivated ecosystems sectors. The general mobilization carried out since 2004 in response to the H5N1 HPAI outbreak must continue at all levels. Efforts must

also be made to anticipate outbreaks of important health crises to prevent major health, economic and social impacts.

Through Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Disease Operations (ECTAD) and Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES) initiatives, FAO is working within international fr ameworks suc h as the Globa l Fra me wo rk fo r the P rogre ssive Contro l of Transboundary Animal Diseases (GF-TADs) and the newly established One World, One Health (OWOH) initiative to promote a collaborative approach to investigation at the animal-human - ecosystems interface and a coordinated effort for rapid response to emerging infectious diseases. Since December 2004, ECTAD has assisted over 90 countries in their response to HPAI. Activities in Asia account for more than half of its overall operations. ECTAD units provide countries with expertise in the areas of epidemiology; preparedness and contingency planning; disease surveillance and control; veterinary laboratories; animal production; socio-economic impact of animal diseases; outbreak communication and project management and operational support.

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Biology: international support to control hpai and other
Reference No:- TGS0161090

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