Instructions: Ungraded Assignment
See below for possible choices if the potential topics do not appeal to you - you may suggest an alternative related to the course for approval....
Submit topic for approval in this assignment.
Possible topics:
- International Supply Chain Management
- International Logistics Infrastructure
- Methods of Entry into Foreign Markets
- International Contracts
- International Ocean Transportation
- International Air Transportation
- International land and Multi-Modal Transportation
I also had students write papers on the following:
- RFID and Information technology
- Assessing International Markets: How Important is Infrastructure?
- Global Logistics and the Warehouse
- International Maritime Routes
- Homeland Security and Transportation and Logistics Management
- Using International Logistics for Competitive Advantage: The Fierce Competition between UPS, FedEx and DHL
I hope this helps as you continue your research,
Note: The research paper is a formal paper and the text should be formatted using APA style - double-spaced. The paper is expected to be properly prepared and professionally presented paper. That means a title page with a correct header and a running head, the core text of your research, and a reference list fully and properly set up and laid out with a minimum of six external sources of cited material. There should be 2000 to 2500 words of text/content excluding the material covered above, anything over 3000 words is too long and anything under 1250 words will be treated as non-responsive and will not graded.