
International politics term paper the topic is has the gap

This is an International politics term paper. The topic is " Has the gap between the world's rich and poor been growing wider or narrower in recent decades? Why?"

The question should be analyzed carefully and the key terms should be defined and explained. A case study can be used to provide a base and insight into the argument but it has to be explained and the evidence provided. At least ten references should be given from news articles etc, and 5 have to be from scholarly sources such as academic books and articles, and authoritative government or IGO sources of data, such as World Bank Publications.

Marks are based on these points:

Understand the key concepts and issues involved in the question

Analayse the arguments in terms of logic and evidence

Locate and use a sufficient range of reliable, relevant and up to date scholarly sources

Draw a conclusion, which is strongly based on empirical evidence

2500 word limit

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Term Paper: International politics term paper the topic is has the gap
Reference No:- TGS0599257

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