Question 1: Describe the significance of marketing research to organizations considering entry into overseas markets for the first time and summarize the practical difficulties that might be encountered when collecting information overseas.
Question 2: Describe what you understand by the given terms:
a) Syndicated research
b) Attitude scaling
c) Qualitative research
Question 3: What are the key factors to be considered in designing a questionnaire to be used in an international market?
Question 4: Outline the research activities related with test marketing and summarize the importance of test marketing to the development of new products.
Question 5: Summarize the main benefits and drawbacks of the given research methods:
a) In-depth interviews
b) Online questionnaires
c) Group discussions
Question 6: Describe the main differences between probability sampling and non-probability sampling and identify the difficulties in choosing representative samples in the overseas markets.
Question 7: Write notes on the following:
a) Secondary data
b) Quantitative research
c) Qualitative research
d) Primary data
Question 8: As an independent consultant, advise one of your clients on the benefits and drawbacks of using an international marketing research agency in preference to the company’s own specialist staff.