Question 1:
a) What are the sources and techniques of collecting marketing information for exploring the International Market?
b) Describe the nature, advantages and challenges of International Marketing.
Question 2:
a) Explain in detail International Product and Pricing decisions.
b) Illustrate the different channels of International Distribution and criteria for channel selection.
Question 3:
a) Describe in detail the Export Information System.
b) Describe in detail the International Tendering Procedure and Export Information System.
Question 4: What do you mean by Maritime Fraud? State the different factors which lead to the commitment of maritime frauds.
Question 5: Describe the main clauses of Voyage Charter Party and Time Charter Party.
Question 6: Write brief notes on any five:
a) Subcontracting.
b) Transfer Price.
c) Cultural Diversity.
d) Joint Venture.
e) International Air Transport.
f) Licensing.