
International-humanitarian disaster management

Order Description:

International and Humanitarian Disaster Management Course description: International and humanitarian disaster management has steadily evolved over decades. The increased emphasis on global disaster preparedness from both governmental and private sectors has widespread application across all borders. Through the exploration of disaster models, public health principles, economic, social and political elements, students will explore the application of the disaster cycle.

The assignment of this week includes two questions that you will answer BUT please be guided by the following instructions (VERY IMPORTANT) the topic of this week is Food Security/Climate


1- Please answer both questions using ONLY THREE references. 2- The reading assignments of this week, which might be considered is (IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO CHECK OUT THIS LIKE TO GET AN IDEA OF BOTH QUESTIONS OF THIS WEEK): USAID food security https://www.usaid.gov/our_work/agriculture/food_security.htm

AND the references of the course in general are:

Kapur, G.B. and Smith, J.P. (2011). Emergency public health preparedness and response. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Coppola, D. P. (2011). Introduction to international disaster management (2nd Ed.). Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. (available online)

3- I am an international student so please use a clear language and avoid the hard or uncommon words or expressions that usually be native speakers BUT all questions must be answered completely and nicely without missing any part of any question. 3- Make sure please to cover all the parts of both questions.

4-There are two question and one page, so it should be rich and cover both question very well, which needs a professional writer like you to do.

5- The two questions of the week are:

1. Discuss 3 types of food and nutrition interventions.
2. How readily do U.S. public health models and assessments translate into the international setting?

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Other Subject: International-humanitarian disaster management
Reference No:- TGS01431479

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