
International human resource management you may want to


Select any one topic for your research paper and write research paper proposal following the instructions given in Research Paper Topic Approval Process. Your research paper proposal must be based on the Proposal Formatprovided below. Your provided work must be 100% original.

Possible Research Paper Topics

The list below contains possible topics. You can choose one of these as it is written, choose one and modify it, or develop a topic of your own.

1. The cultural aspects of doing business in a specific foreign country. Identify and discuss business management issues pertaining to business culture, business social situations, and business customs. Subtopics might include meeting and greeting, the impact of religion, negotiations, gift-giving, dining etiquette, private space, body language, and so forth.

2. Managing political risk in international business

3. International human resource management. You may want to choose a specific country or a specific issue (e.g., women in business) on which to focus.

4. Management styles in international business

5. Select a company that conducts international business. Identify the company, provide a brief history of the company with a focus on global business interests, explain the current global business activities of the organization, and provide commentary on the operation. Possibilities include Infosys, Nestle´, Wal-Mart, and IKEA. See the Name/Company index in the back of the textbook or search for "Global 500 Fortune Magazine" on the Internet for ideas. Corporate websites and annual reports often contain a plethora of relevant information.


7. European Union (EU)

8. Offshore production (e.g., in China) or offshore services (e.g., IT or customer call centers in India or the Philippines)

Note: See below for the format to be used for the topic approval process. Read the document in its entirety before submitting your proposal.

Research Paper Topic Approval Process

The topic approval process is intended to bring the student and instructor to a place of understanding as to the topic approved and the requirements for the paper. The steps are as follows:

1. Identify a topic that interests you.
2. Perform some preliminary research to familiarize yourself with the topic and available sources.

1. Submit a proposal containing the information in the format below.
2. Topic
3. A brief description (three-to-four sentences) of what you anticipate writing about in your paper
4. Description of the relationship between your topic and the core values of community and/or personal development
5. A list of five possible subtopics
6. A list of five sources you plan to use. You do not need a complete APA-style reference entry for the topic approval process, though you will for the paper. Provide the title of the article and date (if available) and the URL for the specific article (not the URL for the home page or an index page). Limited use of the textbook is permitted; however, it should not be the primary source.

3. Grading will be based on the following:

1. Completeness of the proposal
2. Clarity of the writing
3. Appropriateness of the topic, subtopics, and resources

Note: See below for the format to be used for the topic approval process. Read the document in its entirety before submitting your proposal.

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HR Management: International human resource management you may want to
Reference No:- TGS01664282

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