
International human resource management by morgan

Question1) It is the responsibility of HR department to make sure that no employee reaps additional benefits nor loses due to his/her benefits owing to the global assignment. It is significant to see that employees perceive equity and uniformity in HR policies and their implementation. In this context, which of the following is/are true regarding expatriates?

I. Expatriates have to be given pre-departure citizenship of the country where he is ported.
II. Expatriates have to be imparted pre-departure training.
III. Expatriates have to be provided information related to immigration, travel and assistance on housing, shopping, medical care, education and recreation as part of their relocation and orientation.

(i) Only (I) above
(ii) Both (I) and (II) above
(iii) Both (I) and (III) above
(iv) Both (II) and (III) above
(v) All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Question2) International Human Resource Management is the management of the human resources of an organization in a context of international business. Which of the following dimension(s) constitute model of international HRM by Morgan?

I. There are two broad categories of HR activities that encompass the additional activities of human resource management.
II. There are three national or country classifications involved in international business of the organization, the home country where company has its headquarters or corporate office, the host country in which a subsidiary might be located and “other” countries that could be sources of finance or labor.
III. The three categories of employees of the global company are parent-country nationals (PCNs), the host country nationals (HCNs) and third-country nationals (TCNs).

(i) Only (I) above
(ii) Both (I) and (II) above
(iii) Both (I) and (III) above
(iv) Both (II) and (III) above
(v) All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Question3) Which of the following is/are false regarding the basic feature(s) of international human resource management that distinguish it from domestic human resource management?

I. Increase complexity of HR activities.
II. Cultural awareness and tolerance.
III. Diluted risk on the people front and increased risk on business front.

(i) Only (I) above
(ii) Only (II) above
(iii) Only (III) above
(iv) Both (II) and (III) above
(v) All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Question4) Management of teams that consist of employees from various countries and cultures is a main responsibility of international managers. Which of the following is/are false regarding management of cross-cultural teams?

I. Management of teams has to make sure that all employees in the team possess cross-cultural understanding and tolerance to work as a team.
II. Teams have to create their own culture in an organization to accommodate people of same culture.
III. It is a responsibility of international managers to train and educate parent-country nationals (PCNs), host-country nationals (HCNs) and the third-country nationals (TCNs) to understand each other’s cultures.

(i) Only (I) above
(ii) Only (II) above
(iii) Only (III) above
(iv) Both (II) and (III) above
(v) All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Question5) HR activities suppose greater complexity in a context of an international business organization. In this regard, which of the following is/are true regarding training and development of employees in an international business organization?

I. Employees in the international business organization require to be trained to learn and understand elements of different cultures and develop tolerance towards these cultures.
II. Employees in an international business organization need to be equipped to work in cross-cultural teams smoothly and effectively.
III. Expatriates need not to be trained, on specific aspects of the country they are being posted to, like language and the culture.

(i) Only (I) above
(ii) Only (II) above
(iii) Both (I) and (II) above
(iv) Both (II) and (III) above
(v) All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Question6) Expatriate executives could play the significant role during early days of a company’s operations in a new market. Though, in the long run, a strong foundation of local managers is the key, as they have

(i) Foreign culture
(ii) Little understanding of the local culture and markets
(iii) Local connection and knowledge
(iv) Skills always better than the expatriates
(v) Good communication skills.

Question7) There are different factors which influence and cause the change in International HRM. Due to which of the following factors affecting IHRM, few companies think of opening their shop in the cash rich nation, where labor is very costly?

(i) Political forces
(ii) Market forces
(iii) Labor forces
(iv) Legal forces
(v) Economic forces.

Question8) When the firm starts international operations, it develops new visions and missions and designs new global strategies to achieve them. In this regard, which of the following is/are true regarding strategic international human resource management?

I. The global HR strategies must be designed to match the corporate strategies of the firm.
II. The global HR strategies are based on past opportunities of the firm.
III. HR department of global firm needs to spot talent and identify drivers for different employee groups in different cultures.

(i) Only (I) above
(ii) Only (II) above
(iii) Both (I) and (III) above
(iv) Both (II) and (III) above
(v) All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Question9) Mission and the strategy of an organization determine its organizational structure, level of centralization or decentralization and the recruitment strategy of the firm apart from other factors. In this context, which of the following is/are true regarding centralization or decentralization?

I. In a centralized set-up, the decision-making power is vested in the host-country management.
II. In a decentralized set-up, the parent/corporate office retains authority to make the important decisions.
III. In a decentralized set-up, most of the significant decisions on policies and procedures are taken by the subsidiaries.

(i) Only (I) above
(ii) Only (II) above
(iii) Only (III) above
(iv) Both (II) and (III) above
(v) All (I), (II) and (III) above.

Question10) The challenges are higher and hurdles bigger, for the organization that operates in various parts of world. There are different strategies that are adopted by firms with international operations. Multi-domestic firms try to create value by

(i) Transferring core competencies overseas
(ii) Emphasizing local responsiveness
(iii) Realizing experience curve
(iv) Emphasizing local responsiveness and transferring core competencies
(v) Realizing location economies.

Question11) Human resource department of the organization that operates in different countries has a lot more to do, when compared to that of a firm that has only a local presence. Which of the following is not the feature of a successful global manager?

(i) Rigidity
(ii) Language skills
(iii) Social intelligence
(iv) Emotional stability
(v) Sensitivity.

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HR Management: International human resource management by morgan
Reference No:- TGS02950

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