
International financial management

Question 1: Describe the trends in the World Economy over last some decades?

Question 2: In brief describe about the Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers to trade?

Question 3: What do you mean by the term SDRs? How do they help to enhance International equidity?

Question 4: Explain different types of Exchange exposules?

Question 5: Describe in details the significant features of FEMA?

Question 6: What purpose do Foreign Exchange Markets serve?

Question 7: Describe the main objectives of rising of resources from International Market?

Question 8: What is letter of credit? What is its significance in Financing Export Trade of a country?

Question 9: How can exchange control factor be incorporated in the International Capital Budgeting Decision?

Question 10: Examine Vernon’s theory as the basis for FDI?

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Financial Management: International financial management
Reference No:- TGS03969

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